About the Ktunaxa Homelands

The Ktunaxa Homelands project is a collaboration of the Ktunaxa Nation, Cranbrook Tourism, Tourism Fernie, Tourism Kimberley, Travel Columbia Valley, Destination British Columbia, St Eugene Resort and The City of Cranbrook. 

Get to know the First Nation who make their home across British Columbia’s Kootenay Rockies Region – also known as the Powder Highway.

Who makes their home within BC’s southeast?

Ktunaxa (pronounced ‘k-too-nah-ha’) people have occupied the lands adjacent to the Kootenay and Columbia Rivers and the Arrow Lakes of British Columbia, Canada, for more than 10,000 years.

How big are Ktunaxa Homelands?

The Traditional Territory of the Ktunaxa Nation covers approximately 70,000 square kilometres (27,000 square miles) within the Kootenay region of southeastern British Columbia and historically included parts of Alberta, Montana, Washington and Idaho.

Who comprises the Ktunaxa Nation?

Ktunaxa citizenship is comprised of Nation members from six Bands located throughout historic traditional Ktunaxa territory. Five Bands are located in British Columbia, Canada and two are in the United States. Many Ktunaxa citizens also live in urban and rural areas “off reserve”.

What are some of the traditional uses of the land?

For thousands of years the Ktunaxa people enjoyed the natural bounty of the land, seasonally migrating throughout our Traditional Territory to follow vegetation and hunting cycles. We obtained all our food, medicine and material for shelter and clothing from nature – hunting, fishing and gathering throughout our Territory, across the Rocky Mountains and on the Great Plains of both Canada and the United States.

Does Ktunaxa have a specific language?

The Ktunaxa language is unique among Native linguistic groups in North America. Ktunaxa names for landmarks throughout our Traditional Territory and numerous heritage sites confirm this region as traditional Ktunaxa land. Shared lands, a rich cultural heritage, and a language so unique that it is not linked to any other in the world make the Ktunaxa people unique and distinctive.

Confluence of the Cross & Kootenay Rivers by

Mitch Winton

"In ancestral times referred to by the Ktunaxa as the animal world, there were references made many times by the Creator to when there will be ʔaqⱡmaknik̓ (people)."

- by Niⱡsik ʔakⱡam (Wilfred Jacobs)


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